7 Simple Tips for Artificial Turf Maintenance and Care

Here are a few artificial turf maintenance tips to ensure your installation lasts for years.

There are so many benefits to landscaping your yard using artificial turf. Artificial turf is beautiful – it always stays green and lush, no matter the weather. It is convenient and requires no mowing, wedding, or fertilization and it is easy to care for.

Once you’ve made the wise decision to upgrade your lawn or landscaping to artificial turf, though, it’s important that you understand precisely how to care for your artificial lawn. Because while caring for your artificial landscaping is easy to do yourself, it must be done carefully so that it will bring you years of green and gorgeous enjoyment!

Let’s get started.

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1. Keep it Free from Pollutants

Most airborne pollutants, like dust, pollen, smoke, or ashes, can be cleaned easily with a simple rinsing.

Rain is great for this purpose since it’s convenient, easy, and free. Unfortunately, many people that choose (or need) to invest in artificial turf do so because they live in climates that are inhospitable to living grass – areas for instance, that are dry, desert-like, or have generally low rainfall. If you live in such an area then simply spraying your artificial turf with a hose will clean off any dust or loose debris.

Rain is great for this purpose since it’s convenient, easy, and free. Unfortunately, many people that choose (or need) to invest in artificial turf do so because they live in climates that are inhospitable to living grass – areas for instance, that are dry, desert-like, or have generally low rainfall. If you live in such an area then simply spraying your artificial turf with a hose will clean off any dust or loose debris.

If you live in such an area then simply spraying your artificial turf with a hose will clean off any dust or loose debris.

2. Clean Stains Promptly

Sometimes artificial turf accumulates dirt, debris, or stains that need more than a simple rinsing.

When this occurs – be it a small stain, like spilled juice, or something more heavily soiled, like food from a cookout or paint from a project – it is of paramount importance to treat the stain as soon as possible, immediately if you can.

Once a stain has died or set in, it is much more difficult to get out.

If a stain does dry, lift it out with a knife or scraper, then clean it with a mild cleaner. Some excellent options are green cleaners (which contain no abrasive chemicals), a highly diluted ammonia mixture, or diluted household detergent. You can blot the dirtied area with a sponge dampened with your chosen cleaner. Rub at the stain gently until it lifts, then rinse it with cold, clean water.

This should remove most stains. Remember not to use caustic, acidic cleaners, and certainly nothing containing bleach as this can leech the color from your beautiful artificial lawn.

3. Clear Animal Waste

Artificial turf is great for pet owners.

Pet waste and romping won’t destroy, kill, or irreparably alter your artificial lawn. It is important, though, that you keep your artificial lawn free of animal waste.

Rinse away any pet urine immediately, so that it won’t stain the turf. Make sure you also pick up any pet feces immediately as well. Rinsing the areas where your pet relieves him or herself with a solution of diluted vinegar can clean away any lingering odors.

4. Look out for Fungi and Molds

Even with rigorous maintenance, it is possible to have fungus or mold spring up in your artificial turf – it’s living outside, after all.

Mold, mildew, and fungus are powdery growths common in the outdoors, especially in the warm spring and summer months. They are found in every type of climate and location, as long as they have enough moisture to grow. If any pet waste has escaped your notice, especially, you might run the risk of having unwanted spores pop up.

In the event that this happens, you can clean the area with hydrogen peroxide. The hydrogen peroxide will remove any mold, kill the remaining invisible spores, and take care of any musty odors.

5. Brush Your Turf – Especially High Traffic Areas

When you have your artificial turf installed, you should also invest in a brush or broom with synthetic bristles.

Use this brush to cross-brush areas that receive a lot of foot traffic. Artificial turf can be trampled down with repeated use, and cross-brushing will help it stand straight again and prevent fading or wearing down from overuse. Brushing can maintain the integrity of the individual blades of artificial grass.

The matting that occurs from overuse can cause the blades to begin to break down and look different over time. Cross-brushing, however, can reduce this damage and prolong the life and beauty of your artificial lawn.

6. Don’t Misuse Your Turf

First, it is worth noting that you shouldn’t smoke or leave cigarettes on your artificial lawn.

The smoke residue may dull the color, leave a film, and trap odors in your artificial lawn. Cigarette butts that are not fully put out may also damage your artificial lawn. Also, make sure that any lawn furniture has pads on the bottom of its legs. You don’t want sharp edges to damage your investment.

You should also cap off or disconnect sprinklers or hoses, as they can damage artificial turf by leaving mineral deposits.

7. Stay in Contact with Your Retailer or Installer

Perhaps the most important thing you can do for your artificial grass is to stay in contact with your artificial grass retailer.

If you have a question, concern, stain, or any sort of malfunction, you will know that there is professional help just a phone call away. Any stain or problem you can’t take care of by doing it yourself, you know that a professional retailer or installer will be able to remove, repair, or advise you on. It is truly in your best interest to maintain not only your lawn but your relationship with your lawn’s installer.

Installing artificial turf is a wise investment. It’s beautiful, easy to maintain, and resilient. That doesn’t, however, mean that you can completely neglect it. You can clean it easily and inexpensively, but it does need to be carefully maintained.

Just as with any other investment – be it a car, a home, shoes, or a purse – loving your artificial turf requires a very small, but important, investment of your time and attention. By caring for your artificial turf, you’ll be sure to have many years of low-maintenance beauty to enjoy in your outdoor living space.

7 Simple Tips for Artificial Turf Maintenance and Care Vert

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