So you think you finally have your house all set up to be energy efficient and eco friendly, right? You got energy efficient windows installed that will reject most of the sun’s hot rays and will keep the home cooler and less costly in terms of climate control, and that means a smaller carbon footprint too. You had artificial turf grass installed in place of a living lawn, so you won’t need to waste water to keep the grass alive. That means lower costs and it’s better for the earth. But did you know those two eco friendly fixes might not b so friendly to one another? Window reflections can melt artificial grass, ruining it and costing you much more than you ever expected.
How to Stop Reflection from Windows Melting Artificial Grass
You don’t want to rip out those energy efficient windows you just had installed to protect your turf, but you also don’t want the glare off energy efficient windows melting artificial grass. So what’s to do, take out the turf and replant grass? Close the shutter whenever the sun is shining? Of course not, just get anti glare window film that will scatter the sun’s reflections and prevent concentrated reflected sunlight melting the grass.
Energy Efficient Windows Can Melt Your Vinyl Siding
So you don’t have artificial turf grand you’re worried about melting from reflected window glare? Fine, but does your home have that super common building material known as vinyl siding? Or does your neighbor’s home? Sunlight bouncing off energy efficient windows melts vinyl siding under the right conditions, and that can cause seriously costly repairs, not to mention some awkward exchanges with the neighbors. Protect vinyl siding with anti glare window film for energy efficient windows.
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