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We receive several emails every week regarding artificial grass and where it can and cannot be installed. Our answer to most of these questions is that artificial grass can be installed practically anywhere, but when it comes to sloping ground, we need to clarify this further as a simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer doesn’t cut it. Hence, this blog post.
Sloping ground
Sloping ground has always been difficult to grow natural turf on and it is tougher to maintain than turf on an even ground. Because of this, many homeowners are looking to artificial grass to completely or partially replace natural turf on sloping ground. The obvious benefit to this being zero maintenance and a freshly mown look every day of the year.
The good news is that artificial grass is suitable for sloping ground. It can be installed to the same standards as artificial grass on even ground. However, depending on the gradient of the slope, a special sub-base will be needed which will not move down the slope.
Our recommendations
You can install any type of artificial grass on a slope. This includes all our artificial grass, including the extremely realistic Rome range.
However, special considerations should be made for the sub-base. On even ground, it is common practice to use sand as a base because this absorbs moisture extremely well and replicates the springy feel of soil. On sloping ground however sand is not ideal because over time it can move down the slope. This can result in a ‘bump’ effect on the lawn. Our first recommendation therefore is artificial grass that requires no sand infill. This should then be secured to the ground using pins which will not be visible to the naked eye.
If the artificial grass definitely requires a sub base, an option is to use granite dust and crushed stone. This can be flattened and it will not move down the slope. The feel under foot will be slightly firmer than with sand however the artificial grass will look fantastic if it is installed by a professional. Such a sub-base is recommended for a slope gradient of 15%.
Find out more about artificial grass today
Got any more questions about artificial grass? No problem. Call our expert team today on 01268 419 772 to discuss artificial grass and to get a free no obligation quote for your lawn.
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