How to Child-Proof your Garden in Time for the Summer Holidays
Photo of a graphic with the blog title.

Save Your Lawn This Summer!

“Keep off the grass!”

“It’s too wet to play on!”

“Why don’t you ever play football at the park!?”

Sound familiar? We know that your lawn can take a beating over the holidays… schools out, the sun is shining, and protecting your garden from the children can feel like a full-time job. As the weather gets warmer, those mini garden assassins will be playing out more and more, all the while your grass begins to bake underneath the warm sun. Whether they are playing football or hide and seek, your garden and your lawn are the main ones in the firing line…. and no one needs that stress over summer. It’s time to take control and child-proof your garden!

Don’t worry though! We have put together a blog of top tips to help you protect your grass from being torn up by tiny feet this summer. 

Photo of a toy car on a large garden with artificial grass.

Encourage less ‘destructive’, child-friendly lawn games.

Children’s games aren’t usually the cleanest, they like to get down and dirty to really experience their playtime. However, there’s a difference between making a mess and destroying the garden, not to mention a time window… experts actually say your lawn will start to be damaged after just 6 hours of play!. Then, if it is not given the time that it needs to recover, it will pretty soon start looking like Shrek’s swamp!

Most children like to play football or catch in their garden but, the lawn damage from ball games are the worst, especially things like muddy patches from where the grass has worn down and stopped growing completely. But we get it, kids love playing ball games so there needs to be a happy medium – and there is! Try buying a basketball hoop for the driveway, this will move the ball games away from the lawn to a surface that can take the stomping and save you a few hours of grass damage. You could also try out other games, such as table tennis or badminton, which will concentrate the damage on a smaller section of your lawn, making it easier to repair.

Photo of large artificial grass garden, using a 'child-proof your garden' idea with ping pong table.

Whatever you choose, remember that it needs to be exciting. Part of the joy in having a great garden is for your kids to enjoy it! If you’re going to try and tempt them away from their usual activities to give your grass a break then do it with something just as fun as football, a waterslide or anything else that gives your lawn a hard time.

Allocate time for play and time to care.

As we know all that playtime can certainly do damage to your lawn, but it doesn’t always have to be terminal. By giving your lawn a little more TLC, you can still sustain it – not all hope has to be lost. There are many things that you can do to keep your grass healthy and looking fresh, but naturally, this does require time.

A few tips to try:

  • Try over sowing extra seeds on top of your lawn, this will help keep a cycle of grass growing even when the kids are playing. 
  • Scarifying regularly with a rake to remove dead roots and moss will make sure your lawn is able to breathe. 
  • Giving it the much-needed space to grow. 
  • You can also aerate the soil using a pitchfork occasionally, to introduce even more air into the lawn. 

All these things may help if you keep on top of them and are consistent. They do, however, take time… and you may not see any immediate result. Also, it’s best to remember that what works in some gardens won’t necessarily work in yours. This is nothing on you! Healthy lawns have a lot to do with soil conditions and the amount of shade in your garden. Nevertheless, if you can see that a neighbour has got a particularly lush lawn then you could always ask what their secret is.

Child-proof your garden by being creative with space.

There are many other activities that can be done in your garden that don’t require your kids to be on the lawn. Treehouses are the stuff of childhood fantasies, giving kids their own space, high up in the trees to mould into whatever they dream of. And building one can almost be as much fun as playing in one (if only a little bit frustrating at times). If the height is an issue, sheds could be turned into little clubhouse for the children to let their imaginations run wild. 

Photo of young girl on artificial grass hoola hooping in front of a wendy house.

This will child-proof your garden by giving them their own space, away from the grass. You might find that it’s impossible to get them back on the lawn!! 

The ultimate way to child-proof your garden is to get artificial grass.

If you are having persistent trouble with your lawn, then it might be time to consider artificial grass. Artificial grass is a softer surface, making it safe for children to play on… it also takes a lot to damage it. The perfect product to child-proof your garden with!

Many homeowners are still wary of artificial grass, and we get it, there is a lot to unlearn when it comes to artificial grass and it’s not quite the extreme solution it once was. Attitudes are changing, and lots of people are realising the long list of benefits that come with investing in artificial grass. But don’t just take our word for it, watch the video below from one of our customers.

At Cheshire Artificial Grass, busy parents are one of our fastest growing customer demographics. For people with lots of responsibilities and not a lot of time, artificial grass brings a much welcome break. Its durability can allow for hours upon hours of playtime, without any wear and tear – making your lawn picture perfect all year round.

Furthermore, artificial grass manufacturing processes have improved and the products have got a lot better! Now you get choices that can provide you with a wide variety of length and type to match your garden needs/wants… Doesn’t matter if your lawn is big or small, there will be an artificial grass for you! Here at Cheshire Artificial Grass include many different artificial lawn products in which, you can get samples delivered to your home. this gives you the ability to compare and find the right one for you. 

Looking at getting your garden ready for the summer holiday? Contact our team today and see how we can help!