Tag Archives: backyard

4 More Backyard Problems That Artificial Grass Can Solve

A natural grass lawn can be so pretty and inviting – if you’re lucky. Unfortunately, natural grass is all too often associated with backyard problems that overshadow its beautiful potential. Artificial grass solves a wide range of these backyard problems, leaving you with what you really want – pretty grass your family can enjoy in […]

5 Reasons Parents Are Installing Artificial Playground Turf Systems in the Backyard

Artificial playground turf systems and synthetic grass are becoming more and more popular, and many homeowners and park managers are finding the financial, aesthetic, and environmental benefits of switching over to turf to be very tempting. Here are the top five reasons why many people are making the switch to artificial grass: Safety Kids will […]

Increase the Value of Your Home with Artificial Grass

Let’s be real. Maintaining a lush green lawn is expensive. It’s also not very environmentally friendly. On top of that, it’s not going to look lusciously green all year round. This can be especially frustrating given the amount of effort placed in regular maintenance. Not to mention how much it actually affects your water bill […]

Backyard Fun Ideas for Artificial Turf: The Outdoor Theater

  Summer has arrived and you need a new project. You want to do something that will make the most of your backyard space. It has to be something that will be a source of entertainment for this summer and beyond. It must be something that allows you to make the most of the long, […]

Improving Your Golf Game Could Improve Your Career

Can improving your golf game really help you get ahead in your career? While we can’t make any guarantees, we can definitely tell you that it won’t hurt. There have been countless studies surveying corporate executives, and the overwhelming majority say golf is a great way to build relationships with associates. These studies also show […]


Summer has sprung all across the nation. Even the areas that experience harsh winters are seeing bright sunshine, warm weather and breaks from school. So, the big questions is how do you keep your kids entertained day after day throughout the summer. The most popular answer is the pool, lake, water park or other water-related […]

Adding Artificial Grass to Urban, Suburban, and Rural Yards

Throughout the spring and summer, outdoor living spaces became increasingly important. Warm weather means barbeques, pool parties, and relaxing on a beautiful patio, watching the sunset or enjoying a drink. It makes sense, then, why so many people invest so heavily in their outdoor living spaces: they are, in fact, the spaces where we live […]

Using Synthetic Grass for Dogs at Pet Facilities or Your Own Backyard

When it’s time for a vacation and you have to leave your furry friend behind, what do you seek in a dog boarder? After cleanliness, a safe atmosphere, and a helpful staff, the pet facility should have a great outdoor facility to allow for your pup to play and release all of their energy! Which […]