Woodlands Rugby Club photo 44Since 1983, The Woodlands Rugby Club has been a catalyst committed to growing rugby in the North Houston area.  The founders John Cherrybone, Dave Jenkins and Steve Box opened the club after settling in The Woodlands to inspire character growth and spread their love of the game by welcoming beginners alongside returning players.  In the 30+ years since the club has gained recognition as a Division II National Champion in 2001 as well as become a pillar of community service within the city.  The Woodlands Rugby Club works with 3 local philanthropic groups including Interfaith, Montgomery County Women’s Center,  and the neighborhood trail clean up.

Woodlands Rugby Club photo 61Rugby is an all year, all weather sport.  Pre-season for the Woodlands Rugby Club took place in September, with the normal season’s game dates spanning from November to the end of April.  Championship tournament dates can push the season well into May.

With this demanding schedule and little off-season recovery time, the safety of rugby players is vital.  The Woodlands Rugby Club hosts practices as well as matches at the Alden Bridge Sports Park, which was upgraded to an all-weather synthetic turf system in 2013.  Act Global’s Xtreme Turf was selected based off of its proven durability, safety, and performance.  This synthetic turf was designed for player safety and comfort with quicker recovery from fatigue, ideal balance of shock absorption and vertical deformation, and high yarn density for comfort and protection on impact.  Even in the most hazardous of scrums, Xtreme Turf helps players play rough and tackle safely.  Because teams are utilizing the fields at this public park every day, The Woodlands needed a surface that could withstand heavy use while maintaining its integrity.  Xtreme turf artificial grass is developed with maximum UV inhibitors to withstand heavy use and intense climatic conditions.  This ensures that fibers last longer and perform better.

Good luck to the Woodlands Rugby Club on the 2017-2018 season!


Learn how our synthetic turf is beneficial to athletes. 

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