Drainage and Other Common Questions Answered About Artificial Grass


synthetic turf and answers to drainage and other common questions about artificial grassWith so many homeowners and commercial property owners making the switch to artificial grass, the sight (and appreciation) of it is now common. Yet, because our Heavenly Greens experts talk with people every day, we know folks still have a lot of practical questions about synthetic grass. Obviously, it is beautiful, but how well does it work?

We’ll give you straightforward answers to some of those key questions here, so you can cut through the confusion and make the best decision for your home, family, and yes, even for your dog.

Is artificial grass expensive?

While artificial grass isn’t cheap initially, you can be confident you’ll get what you pay for. You’re making a long-term investment in your home that will more than pay for itself over its life (and it’s a long life). Artificial turf eliminates many (if not all) of the costs associated with natural grass lawns. That puts new-found cash right back into your pocket.

How well does it drain?

You may be surprised to learn that artificial grass is far more efficient than real grass when it comes to drainage. The porous lining allows water to quickly drain from the surface into subsoil. There, absorbent materials that are part of the turf’s built-in drainage system capture the moisture and allow it to slowly seep further into the soil and aquifer. Natural grass promotes wasteful runoff instead of absorption.

You can say goodbye to unsightly puddles and muddy foot and paw prints, and our environment can say hello to the water it so desperately needs.

Is it dog friendly?

Man’s Best Friend can make one heck of a mess out of your lawn. Romping, digging, and potty time all take their own kind of toll, and the result is not pretty. With artificial turf, your dog has met his match. Fake grass is dig-proof. It’s strong and durable enough to withstand even the biggest, busiest dog action. And droppings are a breeze to pick up or wash off with a hose.

Also, since insects are not attracted to synthetic grass, you can stop worrying about ticks and fleas making themselves at home in your lawn. We’d say artificial grass is the definition of pet-friendly. In fact, it’s a superior choice for your dog’s run as well as your lawn. Much softer underfoot than gravel, bark dust, or the cold hard ground, and without the mess.

Is it safe?

Today’s artificial grass is safer than ever. Safe to play on, and healthier than natural grass, too. No toxic materials are used in its manufacture. It doesn’t produce pollen to trigger allergies. And grass installed with our FallSoft technology even helps protect kids from falls as high as 5 feet. That’s ideal for play areas.

What about maintenance?

What maintenance? You must be thinking of natural grass – a champion when it comes to neediness. After you install an artificial lawn, you can retire your mower (plus all that other lawn care equipment and all those questionable chemicals). A rake or leaf blower and a stiff broom are all you’ll need, because “maintaining” artificial grass requires only removing organic debris from the surface and occasionally “fluffing” fibers. And since fake grass looks perfect no matter the season, you’ll never have to winterize your lawn again.

Call with questions

We know you’ll have more questions, and you can rest assured that our Heavenly Greens team has the answers. We’ve been in business many years. We are the largest synthetic grass distributor company and the largest FieldTurf installer in North America. So check out our website, drop us an email, or just give us a call at (888) 486-1594.

Learn how artificial grass saves money

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