September Gardening Advice

September gardening adviceSeptember gardening advice

For many UK homeowners, their garden is their pride and joy. During the summer months, it’s a place to relax, unwind and entertain friends but it isn’t just during these months that you should be paying attention to your garden.

As we head towards the last few days of summer, it’s important that you consider which gardening jobs should be done sooner rather than later in order for your garden to look tidy and welcoming, even when autumn and winter set in

Here are a few great September gardening tips to take on-board.

Plan what to Plant

Much of what you do in a garden is with an eye to the future, and this is particularly true when it comes to thinking of what to plant in September. We recommend you plant wallflowers, as they will then flower in spring. You can either buy pre-mixed packets of seeds to do this or choose single colours to mix as you desire. Ornamental Allium bulbs are also good for planting in September. If you have heavy, clay soil in your garden then we suggest you plant the hardier varieties like Allium Sphaerocephalon are best.

Care for your Hostas

Hosta plants are a real favourite in many gardens with their large leaves and impressive size, however they do not thrive well in winter and will begin to wilt once the weather gets colder. You do not want all your hard work to be wasted and so during September, it is wise to lift and replant hostas to help them grow back stronger. Adding organic mulch will help this.

Clear out beds and baskets

September is the ideal time to clear out handing baskets and summer flower beds.

We suggest you take out summer plants and replace them with hardier types such as violas which will give your garden some colour and life during autumn and winter.
Consider Artificial Grass

Tidying and planting in your garden can take up enough time as it is, let alone when you consider caring for your grass all year round too. To help make things easier, consider having an artificial grass garden lawn laid. Artificial grass is low maintenance, requires no mowing or weeding and so is one less thing to think about when it comes to your garden.

If you are interested in getting artificial grass for your home, get in touch with us today. A member of our team will be more than happy to assist you, or alternatively, view our full range of artificial grass here.

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