Property Managers Guide To Saving Money On Landscaping Using Artificial Grass


wood tiles and artificial grass plus the property managers guide to saving money on landscapingIntroduction

Artificial grass has it all over natural grass. It not only provides multiple cost savings, it can actually earn more revenue for your property. That makes it doubly profitable. Beyond that, there is the intangible value of artificial grass, which is priceless. Commercial properties that offer maximum aesthetic appeal and functional utility improve the perceived quality of surrounding properties and perform best from a branding standpoint.

It’s hard to look your best and provide desirable, grassy tenant amenities in the face of increasing need to control costs, especially for water. Whether it rains or not, here in California extreme water conservation measures are here to stay. You have to factor that into your budget. Perhaps even more importantly, you have to serve tenants and a larger community in an atmosphere where sustainability is not only popular but expected.

Everybody loves grass. But natural grass just doesn’t cut it.

Why Artificial Grass Improves Tenant Retention 

Whether your property is a business park or residential community, tenant turnover is a major expense. It’s bad for your bottom line and bad for your branding. Your goal is 100% occupancy.

Good looks sell, we all know that. A handsome property looks prosperous. That’s a psychological uplift for tenants – businesses that want to look stable and worthy to customers, residents that want to look successful to visiting friends and relatives, event participants who want to thoroughly enjoy their experience.

Making a stellar first impression is critical, because it’s not only a first impression – it’s what tenants and visitors see every time they approach or look out the window. Top-quality aesthetics speak to people emotionally as well as psychologically. Your property has that certain “something.” That kind of consistently gorgeous curb appeal can help attract and retain tenants.

Artificial grass compares beautifully to natural grass in every way. It is durable and resilient, ready to take on activities of all kinds. It is the definition of pristine, and it will give your property curb appeal that won’t quit. Literally. Who wouldn’t want to live or work at your place?  

Curb Appeal Requires Maintenance, Artificial Grass Does Not

beautiful landscaping idea with the property managers guide to saving money on landscaping using artificial grassThe key to impressive curb appeal is consistency. You can’t afford to have a great-looking exterior presence one day and look sketchy the next. People will assume your entire property is going downhill. Unfortunately, natural grass is problematic, to say the least. No matter how much money, time, and labor you throw at it, there is always something wrong somewhere.

It looks worn and scruffy where foot traffic is high or the grass is frequently used for activities. Dogs use your lawn to do what dogs do, leaving behind holes and yellow patches. Gophers and moles join the party. In shady areas, the grass is always damp and muddy, or it just won’t grow. Overall, drought and water restrictions have taken their toll. You want “pristine,” but it’s out of reach.

Unless you switch to artificial grass.

Top-quality synthetic grass looks and feels like the real thing, so gorgeous consistency is never in question. Yet it never needs mowing, edging, fertilizing, or incessant weed and pest control measures. And since it doesn’t grow, it doesn’t need watering, either.

You can save big money by eliminating traditional lawn maintenance plus related equipment and supplies. You can save money on labor, or increase staff productivity by using your people in other ways. And think of the money you’ll save on water! With artificial grass, you are a bottom-line hero.

Yes, there are still a few things you’ll want to do to keep your fake grass in prime condition. But maintaining artificial grass is easy and fast. Synthetic turf lasts for many years without fading or becoming worn-looking. And should there ever come a need, it’s as easy to clean as it is to maintain. Artificial grass is virtually stain-proof.

With artificial grass, pristine is no longer out of reach. It’s the new normal.

3 Ways Artificial Grass Increases Commercial Property Value

Did you know that installing artificial grass can actually boost the value of your commercial property? Yep. It can help increase revenue now and future resale value down the road. Here’s how:

  1. Your landscaping will always look lush and inviting, so your property will always show beautifully. It’s that first impression/curb appeal thing again, giving you a leg up on the competition.
  2. Installing artificial grass adds a major property-enhancing asset, like a new roof or other improvements.
  3. You can charge premium rent for business or residential tenants (or event rentals) because the surroundings are nicer. Reliably nicer – your grounds will look as good tomorrow, or next week, or next year, as they do today.

Of course, it’s important to note that not all artificial grass is created equal. Especially for commercial properties, you want grass that will function as expected and look really great for years to come. Top performance starts with choosing a top-quality product. One way to judge that is by looking at the warranty, because manufacturers who are proud of their products are happy to provide better warranties.

But which synthetic grass is right for your property? You might be shocked to learn how many different styles of artificial grass there are, each one designed for specific purposes. No reason to feel overwhelmed, though. Our experts here at Heavenly Greens can explain the differences and the pros and cons of various types of grass, to help you make a picture-perfect choice for your needs.

Artificial Grass Makes More Sense than Repeatedly Replacing Natural Grass

low maintenance lawn idea for property managers who want to save money on landscaping using artificial grassThe more foot traffic natural grass has to endure, the faster it will wear out. It develops bare spots and holes that are unsightly and pose potential dangers to folks walking or playing on the grass. Even if feet never touch natural grass (highly unlikely), erratic weather can wreak havoc on your lawn. The only way to maintain the excellent appearance and functionality your tenants expect is to replace that natural grass and start over. Some properties have to do that more than once a year.

Repeatedly replacing your lawn is a major undertaking. The process can take several days, by the time you remove the old grass, prep the area, lay new sod, and give it a chance to settle in. The process is:

  • Unsightly
  • Noisy
  • Messy
  • Expensive

All four of these problems affect your tenants as negatively as they affect your budget. This is nuts!

With artificial grass, you can say goodbye to repeated replacement. One and done, as they say, for many years to come. Bonus: you can say goodbye to water expense, too. Another bonus: no downtime and mess for replacement means full-time availability for tenants or rentals.

Installing Artificial Grass Sets the Stage for a Beautiful Landscape

Once you switch to artificial grass at your commercial property, you’ll save so much money, you can easily afford to add some drought-resistant flowers, shrubs and trees to enhance overall aesthetics. If the weather gets extremely hot or dry, giving these plants a little water boost won’t break the bank. And plants that are naturally well-adapted to their surroundings typically need less maintenance. You can add color and texture to landscaping for maximum visual effect, with minimal budgetary impact.

While combatting drought has become a way of life for every Californian, increasingly we are also having to combat the threat of wildfire. As property manager, one of your jobs is to proactively protect your facilities and tenants as best you can. Installing artificial grass helps you do that. It can melt if it gets hot enough, but it will never flame up. It can also help protect the underlying soil from scorching, which can do long-term damage and trigger nasty erosion problems.

The drought-tolerant plants you select to surround your artificial grass can help with fire protection as well. Along with needing little to no watering, many of these plants are naturally less vulnerable to fire.

With artificial grass, landscaping is simpler, easier, and more beautiful!

Artificial Grass Fills Multiple Roles for Commercial Properties

wooden benches in a synthetic lawn with property managers guide to save money on landscaping using artificial grassAside from enhancing the visual presentation of your commercial property, artificial grass allows you to add more and/or better tenant amenities without jacking up operations costs for maintenance, labor, and supplies. Increasingly, businesses that want to recruit and retain the best employees are looking to add non-work amenities to their workplace. In residential communities, people want more than a roof over their head, a pool and a gym – especially if they have kids and a dog.

You can be their salvation (and perhaps their new best friend), thanks to artificial grass. What could you add?

  • A playground for kids. Artificial grass is prettier, softer, and safer underfoot than traditional materials. And you won’t be constantly working to corral errant bark chips, etc.
  • A dog park or play area. Pet-friendly policies will endear you to tenants, but let’s be honest here. Dogs need somewhere to play and somewhere to go potty. Fake grass provides that space. It’s tough and durable, and clean-up is fast and easy.
  • A sports playfield. Who’s ready for a pick-up game?
  • A putting green or bocce ball court. With artificial grass, you can add these extremely popular amenities indoors or out, custom designed to fit your space and play requirements. You could promote your property by hosting a tournament.
  • Grassy space designated for tenant or public events such as weddings, parties, and other special gatherings.
  • An indoor courtyard. Everyone loves a picnic on the grass, but when inclement weather hits, an indoor space keeps the picnic theme alive. An indoor courtyard can really jazz up a lobby, too.

There are almost unlimited ways to use artificial grass to enhance the appearance and livability of commercial properties. The more you take advantage of that versatility, the more you’ll be doing to beef up your brand and distinguish your property from others.

Artificial Grass Solves Landscaping Problems Beautifully

Artificial grass is not only versatile, it is accommodating. It seems as if every property has landscaping challenges of some kind. But where natural grass has “issues,” synthetic grass is designed to solve landscaping problems. Steep slopes or undulating terrain? Deep shade? Small or irregular spaces that defy mowing?  So what? Since artificial turf doesn’t grow or need mowing, you can plant it anywhere and look forward to spectacular, uniform results. It’s a property manager’s dream come true.

But, wait. There’s more, because fake grass can turn lemons into lemonade in other ways as well. For example, you can replace boring, ugly surfaces such as walkways, driveways, and parking areas with artificial grass. Combined with permeable pavers, it’s the good-looking, eco-friendly alternative that will get heads turning your way.

What’s more, artificial grass can elevate the aesthetics and practical value of upper-level surfaces such as rooftops and balconies. Imagine what you could do with a rooftop garden ­– talk about a popular tenant amenity!

Artificial Grass is the Cleaner, Healthier Choice 

a wooden table set and umbrella in a beautiful garden and other ideas for property managers who want to save money on landscaping using artificial grassIt costs money to keep common areas and indoor spaces such as lobbies and corridors clean. With natural grass, you’re constantly dealing with tracked-in mud, clippings, and other debris generated by your lawn. It’s inevitable, in every season. Artificial grass virtually eliminates this problem because it’s mess-free. It doesn’t develop bare spots or puddles that turn into mud. And there’s nothing to clip, so there are no clippings.

But that’s just the beginning. Top-quality artificial grass products are good for your business, because they’re safer and healthier for the humans you serve:

  • Modern synthetic turf is manufactured without toxic ingredients. And, unlike natural grass, it doesn’t produce pollen. So there are no dangerous chemicals and nothing to trigger allergic reactions. Your tenants and visitors can do more enjoying and less sniffling and sneezing. This is a relief to know, but it is also a strong selling point for your commercial property, especially if your tenants or visitors include children.
  • Fake grass doesn’t attract insects and other bothersome pests, either the kind that damage natural grass or the kind that sting and bite people. That means your lawn will not only look inviting, it will be

    inviting. Instead of serving as a look-but-don’t-go-there decoration, it will become a go-to resource for pleasant outdoor relaxation, parties, or play.


As a commercial property manager, you are responsible for every facet of your facility’s operation – attracting new tenants, keeping the place looking its best to retain tenants, and controlling costs to produce a healthy bottom line. Artificial grass supports your efforts in every way.

Heavenly Greens is your one-stop resource for all things artificial grass, from creative ideas and design assistance to product selection to professional installation. And there is no reason to wait, because we can install artificial grass any time of year.

You have to make smart investments to fulfill the business needs of your commercial property. Artificial grass is one of the smartest investments you can make, because it offers such a wide range of benefits and it will last for many years. That’s ROI any business can appreciate.


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