Why Artificial Grass is an Excellent Choice for the Elderly

Artificial grass is becoming favoured by many, most notably by the elderly. With many people remaining independent in the later years, gardening remains a key focus. Here are some of the main reasons why artificial grass is an excellent choice for the elderly.


Low maintenance

One of the key reasons why people favour artificial grass over natural is due to the lack of maintenance required. This benefits pensioners more than anyone! Whilst mowing the lawn remains a thankless task for most people, it become quite a chore for those in their later years.

Whilst smaller and manageable tasks are often enjoyed, tougher chores like mowing the lawn or even digging are sometimes just not on the cards. Artificial grass remains clean and mud free, guaranteeing a space for you to get out at any time of the year.


Safer with less risks

Why Artificial Grass is an Excellent Choice for the ElderlyArtificial grass remains smart looking and in clean condition the whole year round. Not only does is eradicate the need for grabbing the lawn mower, but it reduces the risk of slips and trips. The elderly can grow to fear the outdoors, but artificial grass removes so many risks.

The garden can be a safe haven for the elderly. Often playing host for family gatherings, as well as being a place to some gardening done. Natural grasses however can deter the elderly from stepping foot in their gardens. They can become waterlogged or simply just too muddy.


Weed free

What you see is what you get! Artificial grass installs seamlessly into your landscape, without disguising any hidden trips. Natural grasses however can become dangerous. Once unkempt, their long grasses can disguise hazards and make for uneven footing.

Natural grasses and weeds can create a new landscape of their own. With the best quality in artificial grass you can rest assured that you’ll never need to pull a weed up from your grass again.



Care home across the country are installing artificial grass and so many gardens are benefiting from it. They offer a slip-resistant and secure garden, which foliage is non-toxic. Providing a consistent and study ground underfoot, artificial grass really does provide a safe setting for the elderly. Plus it offers much more accessibility for wheelchair users.


Caters for a range of requirements

Artificial lawns allow for the elderly to really create the garden of their dreams. Their designs really can cater for all any requirements of very specific detail. For example having garden lights installed can be much easier with artificial grass as wiring can be easily placed underneath the lawn. A perfect evening setting really can be created with artificial grass.

The elderly love a consistent and reliable lawn! Whilst artificial grasses replicate natural lawns so well, it’s no wonder why so many are opting in. Countless benefits that favour the elderly so much, keeping things safe and looking great all year round!

All requirements can finally now be met! Providing a safe and great looking garden, which can be enjoyed not only during Summer! If you’d like some more advice on how artificial grass can benefit your garden, we’d be happy to help. Call us on 01925 633541 and a member of the team will be happy to help.

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