Artificial Grass Is A Good Choice Whether Rain Or Shine


AG-Good-Choice-BlogJust because it’s raining now doesn’t mean our drought is over. Weather, as we all know, is unpredictable despite the best efforts of scientists and the latest technology. We try to look ahead as best we can, but not even the experts agree on what we can expect for the rest of this year. Fortunately, if you’ve chosen artificial grass, you’ve chosen well, no matter what Mother Nature has in store. 

And what does Mother Nature have in store?

As of the end of January, we were reading dire headlines such as this one in the Mercury News: “California drought returning? Sierra Nevada snowpack at 30% as forecast calls for two more weeks of warm dry weather.” And, in fact, KQED reported in February, “After an all-too-brief reprieve, the Golden State is once again starting to brown up.” 

At that time, the US Drought Map showed more than 91% of California (including the Bay Area) as “abnormally dry” or worse. And the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration was predicting that dry conditions would “develop or persist” through May. 

But then we got some rain – rather a lot of it in some areas. So by March the news was a bit better. Coastal California, including our own Bay Area, had moved into the “no shortage of hydration” category. But our rainfall remains at just 57% of average, one of the worst levels on record for the three-month winter period. 

So will it rain or shine? Who knows?

For those forward-thinking folks with artificial grass, however, the real question is who cares? Because the weather may change but your artificial grass will not. 

Whether the weather is cold and soggy-wet or hot and drought-dry or some variation of “normal” in between, artificial grass remains steadfastly perfect. Lush. Green. Just the right height. Safe, clean, ready for action. Or simply quiet admiration, because what property owner doesn’t take pride in gazing out at their pretty, pristine landscape? Especially when you know your grass is eco-friendly and sustainably so.

What if it’s dry?

With artificial grass, it’s not like you have to worry about watering your lawn. Or mowing it, if we get rain and the grass takes off like a growing monster. You won’t have to do all that other stuff, either – fertilizing, weeding, blah blah blah. You’re conserving water, conserving energy (yours), saving money. This is good. 

And you won’t have to deal with dirt/mud or debris (damp or otherwise) that sticks to your pets and your shoes, getting tracked indoors on a regular basis. Those problems come from bare spots and holes where natural grass wears down. Artificial grass stands up, true and strong, no matter how you use it. Or how often. 

What if it’s wet?

One of the most wonderful (and, yet, most surprising) facts about artificial grass is that it does not get slippery when it gets wet. Really. Natural grass turns into an instant slip-fest, and that can be dangerous for people and pets alike. Step on that wet grass, and whoops! Not exactly a welcoming invitation to come play outside. Fake grass, on the other hand, beckons even when it’s damp outdoors. 

So will it rain or shine? If you’ve chosen artificial grass, you’ll joining us in saying, “Who cares?” 

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