Artificial Grass Provides Relief to Hay Fever Sufferers

Allergies affect an estimated 50 million people across the US, with hay fever being one of the most common forms of allergy.  The onset of spring brings an end to winter weather, but also sparks the growth of all manner of plant life. While beautiful to look at, all the new greenery can make allergy sufferers miserable. If you’re one of millions that experience the itchy eyes, swollen sinuses and sneezing of the allergy season, we have good news for you! One simple change to your backyard could alleviate your hay fever symptoms, allowing you to finally enjoy the warm weather and sunny sights of spring. That change, of course, is an artificial grass installation from SYNLawn of Fresno.

What is Hay Fever?

Hay fever, commonly known as allergic rhinitis, is caused by an allergic response to indoor and outdoor allergens, including pollen and pet dander. Seasonal allergies are often marked by the growth of trees, grass, plants, and weeds that cast their pollen to the wind. Common symptoms include runny nose, sneezing, scratchy throat, sinus congestions and swelling, and red, irritated eyes.

Antihistamines provide temporary relief from hay fever, but the best way to avoid symptoms is to reduce the exposure you have to pollen. This can mean limiting outdoor exposure on days when the pollen count is high, keeping your vehicle windows rolled up, and avoiding areas where grass grows.

This can be extremely restrictive – especially since the spring and summer months are the times most people like to be outdoors enjoying the sun. Instead, take back your life by replacing your natural grass with an artificial lawn from one of Fresno’s leading turf suppliers: SYNLawn.

Artificial Grass is Your Answer

Since grass pollen is one of the most common allergy triggers, installing artificial grass in the place of natural grass can go a long way in relieving signs of hay fever. Though pollen travels on the wind, the more localized pollen located in your own backyard could turn out to be your worst enemy. Maintaining a lawn is especially difficult with allergies. Just mowing the grass and trimming the edges can cause days of sniffling, sneezing and watering eyes.

As an extra bonus, artificial grass requires little maintenance, meaning you won’t have to be out caring for your yard when the pollen count is high. Even though it won’t get rid of your hay fever entirely, it will help to alleviate your symptoms so you can enjoy your yard and take advantage of the warm summer months.

Other Benefits to Artificial Grass

Relief from hay fever symptoms is a large benefit of having artificial grass, but that’s not its only perk. Artificial grass is durable and can withstand many hours of play and activities. You don’t have to worry about it drying out in the sun and getting brown and brittle, plus it won’t get waterlogged or muddy after heavy rain. Because there’s no need to water the lawn, you can also save money on your water bill while doing your part to conserve water in the drought-prone state of California.

Don’t avoid the outdoors this summer. Instead, contact SYNLawn Fresno and we’ll do a free on-site consultation to see if your yard is the perfect fit for artificial grass. Synthetic grass is the perfect remedy for your seasonal allergies and will help you combat drought and save your wallet from the water bill. Contact us today!

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