Best artificial grass fibres | Cheshire Artificial Grass

Not all artificial turf is made equal. Different manufacturers produce artificial grass to different specifications and different qualities.

Looking at the individual grass fibres is the easiest way to distinguish good artificial grass from the cheap stuff.

Looking at the image below it is easy to tell the difference between luxury Springback artificial grass on the left and cheap astroturf made by one of our corporate competitors.

High quality artificial grass next to basic alternative

This photograph was taken from close range with a macro lens. As you get further away, the Cheshire Artificial Grass product starts to look like more and more like natural turf. The opposite is true of the cheap stuff.

How do manufacturers achieve realistic looking grass?

The secret is in the fibres. At Cheshire Artificial Grass, our product development team has worked hard to find the perfect grass fibre.

We’ve traced the history of our product quite thoroughly on the artificial grass Evolution page. But there’s a small summary below.

Flat fibresFlat fibres

Flat fibre artificial grass was the first step up from clumpy fibrillated fibres, which looked pants and wore down quickly.

These fibres have their advantages. They are cheaper than a lot of other grasses, so if you have a large garden it can be a cost-effective option.

Reinforced 3D grass fibres

Reinfocred spine artificial grassThe introduction of new reinforced grass fibres was a revolution for some manufacturers. Putting tiny spines down the length of the artificial grass fibres made them springier and more longer lasting.

Reinforced grass fibres are part of the reason that manufacturers can offer longer warranties on their products.

Multi-textured fibres

Multi-textured fibres add definition to artificial grass and help make it look more realistic from distances of one metre plus.

The addition of light browns and other neutral colours give artificial grass a more natural thatched appearance.

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Different hues and different textures help make artificial grass look more realistic

V-shaped fibres

V-shaped grass fibres were first developed at the start of the artificial grass revolution to help artificial grass stay upright for longer.

While it is still a high quality product, some people complain that the artificial turf reflects light in a way that makes the turf look more synthetic.

W-shaped fibre

W-shaped grass is very similar to V-shaped grass, but two V’s are better than one.

C-shaped artificial grassC-shaped fibre

The C-shaped artificial grass fibre was, like the ‘V’ and ‘W’ shaped fibres, was developed to help artificial turf last longer and spring back better.

One key advantage of the C-shaped grass fibres it reflects light better than the more angular ‘V’ and ‘W’ shapes, so looks more natural.

Our overall winner – C-shaped fibre with micro-reinforced seam

Springback artificial grass, the product developed by Cheshire Artificial Grass uses C-shaped fibres, but with micro-reinforced seams to give the grass more bouncebackability while also looking realistic.

reinforced C-shaped artificial grass with spines down the seam

Springback artificial grass technology

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