Enjoy the Fall Festivities with an Artificial Grass Lawn From SYNLawn New Mexico

How to Throw the Ultimate Outdoor Halloween Party


There are countless benefits of replacing your natural grass with our premium artificial grass. You can eliminate an average of two-thirds of your monthly water bill, reclaim the time you previously spent fertilizing and mowing your lawn, and enjoy spending time in your yard more, especially as Albuquerque fall weather sets in! This Halloween, plan an outdoor party on your synthetic turf that will both scare and delight your guests. Here are some great ideas from SYNLawn New Mexico for taking your get-together to the next level:

1. Create a Mysterious Walkway
Get your guests in the mood with a spooky walkway. This decoration can be constructed in a variety of ways using existing trees or even erecting some temporary fencing. Get creative! Drape fake cobwebs and hang glowing eyeball lights, bats and witches from trees. Your entryway will get partygoers excited about all the food and fun they are about to experience.
2. Turn your Artificial Grass Lawn into a Haunted Yard
Eliminate all of the traditional problems associated with natural grass in New Mexico when you install synthetic turf in your yard. Take full advantage of this fact by setting up a fake graveyard on your lawn. Use Styrofoam or cardboard boxes to cut out and decorate the gravestones, then use brown fabric for the “dirt.” Place skeleton arms, legs and skulls on the fabric to make it seem like the dead are rising from their graves for an even spookier look! You never have to worry about your decorations getting ruined by dirt and mud or be embarrassed by a brown, spotty yard during the festivities.
3. Spooky Movie Screening
October is the perfect time for an outdoor movie screening on your artificial grass lawn in New Mexico! Place a sheet against a fence, drape it between two trees or set up a store-bought projector screen then start your scary movie! Hay bales arranged in rows with orange and black blankets make perfect sitting space. Serve Halloween-themed snacks such as orange colored popcorn with candy corn and M&M’s mixed in or “witch finger” cookies rolled to look like a finger, complete with a slivered almond for the fingernail.
4. Ghoulish Buffet
Popcorn and witch finger cookies are not the only scary treats you can serve at your party. Dirt cups with gummy worms, candy corn cupcakes, Halloween-colored candied apples, jack-o-lantern cheeseburgers and pumpkin deviled eggs are just a few of our favorite treats. Here are even more great delicious party food ideas for your Halloween party.

SYNLawn New Mexico’s artificial grass can turn even the most barren yard into the ultimate venue for an outdoor party. Our robust synthetic turf holds up well to foot traffic and, once the party is over, it is a snap to clean up with a hose. Your guests will love the fact that there are fewer bugs and pests to bother them, their costumes will not get grass stains if they choose to sit down, and you will love how dirt will not get tracked into your house. For more information about our state-of-the-art artificial grass and for a free design quote, contact our team today!

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