Fake Grass Carpet –Sensible Solution to Improve Your Home

A lawn adds to the aesthetic value of any property—commercial or residential. But creating and maintaining a lawn is expensive and requires lots of time and effort. Why not get a lawn installed in front of your home within a few hours time and not have to worry about maintenance?  Add some greenery to your house in very little time using  fake grass carpet. By opting for an artificial lawn for your home, you not only save a lot of money and maintenance efforts, you are also doing a favor to your environment. A lawn created with a fake grass carpet looks as beautiful as a real lawn, but doesn’t consume the huge amount of water that goes to create patch of green for your home.

Fake grass carpets are not only used in the residential premises, you can find their wide use in the indoor and outdoor playgrounds, in the commercial complexes like hotel, restaurant, theater and malls and in the colleges and universities. In the recent years, development of high quality synthetic grass has led to the production of artificial putting greens, which are designed to enhance the performance of different levels of golfers.

The leading artificial turf manufacturers often claim their fake grass carpet to be the ultimate green product. Here is why.  Fake grass carpet can be the ultimate water-saving solution for your home. By choosing an artificial lawn over a natural lawn, you can help save gallons of water. The immense eco-friendly potentials of fake grasses have been largely overlooked in the past; but not anymore. The people in the draught prone areas like California are becoming increasingly aware of the necessity of water conservation and more and more people are opting for artificial lawns made of fake grass carpet. This is by far one of the most effective ways of saving huge amounts of water; by choosing a fake grass lawn over a natural lawn, you can cut back on 70% of your annual water usage.

Lawns made with fake grasses help save the environment in another way. A natural lawn also requires regular mowing and gas powered mowers can pollute the air as much as 10 cars can do in an hour. The lawns created with fake grass carpet eliminate the needs of mowing and thus significantly reduce air pollution.

Lastly fake grass carpets are pet friendly and safe for your kids. In the past some fake grass brands sparked off controversy for spreading lead infection among kids. But renowned fake grass brands like EasyTurf are designated as being lead free by the Federal government. In a nutshell, fake grass carpet can be your way to say to the world that you care for your surroundings.

Source by Ramnika Rathi


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