Safety Tips For Doing Yoga On Your Artificial Turf


Safety Tips For Doing Yoga On Your Artificial Turf @heavenlygreensOne of the many reasons artificial turf is so popular is that it is safe to live around and play on. Considering the fact that well over 20 million Americans practice yoga, there’s a very good chance you will want to practice your postures on your artificial grass.


Smart of you to switch to fake grass, by the way. Now you have more time for relaxing “you” activities, instead of spending your supposedly-leisure hours maintaining that old natural grass disaster. Your artificial turf looks better than your old lawn ever did, and it’s soooooo inviting. Just the place to perform yoga.


You can rely on a healthy foundation

For many people, artificial turf is safer than live grass plants. There are no allergens and no toxins to interfere with your breathing – an essential ingredient in yoga. Artificial grass drains faster than the real thing, too, and it is not slippery if it gets wet. So you can practice your postures even in a light, warm rain, if you’re so inclined. Or zip back outdoors as soon as the rain stops to complete the rest of your session.


All that means you could do your yoga directly on your lawn. But there’s no reason you can’t lay out your yoga mat. If the grass blades become flattened, you can simply give them a finger-fluff or use the same soft bristle brush you use to keep your high-traffic areas perky.


Every yoga practitioner should be safety-conscious

It’s good to know your synthetic grass is yoga-friendly. However, like any physical exercise, yoga offers its own potential safety hazards if you aren’t mindful of your capabilities and actions. Injuring yourself will put all the many health benefits of yoga out of reach. So yoga experts recommend the following safety tips:

  • If you’re just now getting into yoga, talk to your healthcare provider first. If you have any existing physical limitations or chronic health issues, there may be certain poses and movements that are unwise for you because they can exacerbate your condition. On the other hand, there may be certain aspects of yoga that would especially benefit you. Either way, it’s good to know where you stand with the Downward Dog et al. 
  • As you exercise, let your body lead the way. Yoga isn’t a race or a competition, so you don’t have to be first or the best. Your goal is to stretch your body and mind – but only as far as it still feels good. If you start to feel strain or pain, or start getting out of breath, back off. Move into a more comfortable posture, and breathe deeply and evenly. 
  • Even your posture doesn’t have to be perfect. You aren’t creating yard art, so how the pose makes you feel is more important than if you look perfect. Especially if you’re concerned about avoiding an injury.


Plant a grassy under-footing indoors

You know, artificial turf grows just as well indoors as it does in your yard. Consider the fact that you could lay some faux sod in your sun room. How appropriate – and how much more comfy under your yoga mat than placing that thin pad on a hard surface. You could exercise on artificial grass year round, regardless of the weather. Not to mention you’d have the coolest sun room around.


Of all the things you could do on your artificial grass, yoga may be one of the most beneficial. You can strengthen your bones, build up your muscles, improve your flexibility and balance, and reduce your stress level. Ahhhhhhh.

residential recreation artificial turf

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