SYNLawn is Fresno’s Only USDA-Certified Artificial Grass!

The world is our playground, let’s take care of it! Homeowners all over the Fresno area are installing synthetic grass — and not just because it looks nice. Each space that is filled with SYNLawn artificial grass looks naturally lush and green, but there is even more to it. SYNLawn is the only USDA-certified turf on the market today, which brings about peace knowing that you are making a positive impact on the environment. Fresno and Central California residents know the importance of eco-friendly products and we do too.

USDA Certified

SYNLawn products have more depth to them then you would think. While the surface will always be a lush, natural green, we also offer soybean-based backing. What used to be latex backing systems are now bio-friendly and are completely environmentally-friendly.

Here’s the scoop: U.S. soybean farmers have put in millions of dollars to go through a process of researching and testing, all to promote bio-based products. A chunk of this research was done through the United Soybean Board (USB). The USB is comprised of 73 U.S. soybean farmers appointed by the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture to capitalize soybean checkoff funds. Your Central California SYNLawn cares about the products you receive.

SYNLawn overall heavily focuses on sustainability. That’s why we worked with Stephan Sic, a leading SYNLawn scientist and chemist. Sic holds dozens of patents in various polymer technologies. He was highly instrumental in fine-tuning the soybean oil backing formula in order to cut out more than 60 percent of petroleum! Products that bring about a healthier planet are always a SYNLawn priority.


  • Water Conservation

29 percent of an average household’s 400 gallons of water usage is utilized outdoors to maintain landscaping and lawns. A water bill can even be cut by 60 percent with an artificial lawn. Water restrictions still in place in California, which makes having real grass lawns almost impossible to maintain. With synthetic grass, it’s easy to keep your lawn lush and green without water maintenance regardless of its size. Save money — and our earth’s resources.

  • Free of Harmful Chemicals and Pesticides

There are no harmful chemicals or pesticides in our synthetic turf. Maintaining a real lawn requires a lot of fertilizer and pesticides that can be harmful. Chemical and pesticide use does not promote environmentally-friendly outcomes. Even chemical runoff from natural grass lawns can do great harm to insects and animals. It is also dangerous for people to come in contact with. With artificial grass, your spaces can be free of harmful chemicals or pesticides for the life of your lawn!

Our artificial grass is unsurpassed when it comes to synthetic grass landscapes in Central California. We innovated the first USDA-certified, bio-based artificial turf with more than just quality in mind: we wanted to create a better home for our pets, families and future generations. Let’s continue to make the world a greener, more eco-friendly place. For a free on-site consultation, please contact us today!


The post SYNLawn is Fresno’s Only USDA-Certified Artificial Grass! appeared first on SYNLawn Central California.

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