Synthetic Grass Costs – The Savings Are in the Long Term

It would appear at a cursory glance that synthetic grass is a very expensive replacement for natural grass, but the high cost is only up front. When measured over the life of the grass you will find that synthetic grass is actually a cheaper alternative to the real stuff and the savings may not simply be the cost of maintaining the grass.

Savings in watering alone amount to a sizable figure every year, particularly in drier parts of the country. Apart from the monetary saving, we are preserving a precious resource that is particularly scarce in times of drought simply by replacing natural grass with synthetic.

During sporting seasons, natural grass fields often become bare and patchy due to the heavy traffic they are subjected to. This, too, is alleviated by synthetic grass and the blight of having to abandon games due to unsafe or unfit surfaces is removed. In many cases, the entire playing surface needs to be re-turfed just to get the ground ready for the next season of play.

Other regular maintenance tasks that are required to keep a natural grass field looking its best is a regular herbicide treatment, fertilizing, coring, to dressing and seeding. Each of these would also be removed. Add to that the cost of employing a team of groundsmen to perform all of these tasks.

When talking about savings with synthetic grass, we should not only think of the monetary savings that you might make. There is also the savings in time as well as the reduction in the amount of energy you have to spend on it. For those who lead a busy lifestyle or who are simply unable to perform the necessary yard upkeep jobs, synthetic grass could provide the ideal alternative.

So, that higher up-front cost of a synthetic grass surface is pretty quickly recouped by the lower maintenance requirements. Time, energy and the possibility of greater usage gives you a surface that will pay for itself over its lifetime.

Source by Damien Gay


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