Upgrading Athletic Fields With Artificial Turf


Upgrading-Athletic-Fields-AT-Blog.jpgNow that school is out, it’s time to prepare for the upcoming year. Among other details, coaches and administrators have to ensure athletic fields are in tip-top condition and ready for play. Time is short, because for some sports, practice starts well before the first bell rings. Upgrading to artificial turf ensures your fields will be pristine on Day One and will remain that way all year long.


In fact, artificial turf lasts many, many years, no matter how many sports and how many players it hosts. That’s why fake grass is good for the budget as well as the environment. And why schools all around the Bay Area have been systematically upgrading their athletic fields with artificial turf.


The Fremont Union High School District decided to make the switch back in 2010. By 2015, they reported the changes made at their five high schools resulted in a 42% decrease in water usage. They’re saving well over a quarter-million gallons of water every year – good for the environment, and a home run for their budget.


Athletic fields are famously needy when it comes to upkeep. Play can be brutal over time, and fields have to be in perfect condition. Mowing, fertilizing, eliminating insects, fending off disease, and dealing with mountains of clipping have a serious impact on operations budgets. Upgrading to artificial turf virtually eliminates all that. Faux grass fields pay for themselves.


Make money as well as save money

Your players may be tough competitors, but Heavenly Greens Field Turf is even tougher. Go ahead – schedule multiple games on the same field on the same day. Fake grass doesn’t have to “recover” between games, so you get more play time – about five times more event hours than with natural grass.


So if you rent out your athletic fields, you can earn more revenue per day and per year. (Many school and recreation districts charge more per hour for artificial turf fields, too, because they hold up so much better.)


A friendlier environment for players as well as Mother Earth

Eliminating traditional lawn maintenance chemicals improves the health of our waterways and groundwater. It also means parents don’t have to worry about their kids coming in contact with those dangerous products. Artificial grass itself is non-toxic and non-allergenic, so it’s actually a healthier play surface than natural grass.


Natural grass athletic fields can pose invisible dangers to players. Gophers and moles can undermine the turf surface, causing uneven spots and even causing the turf to collapse as a player steps down. Artificial turf eliminates these safety concerns, too, because gophers and other critters cannot dig through the backing.


Safety is always of upmost importance to everyone ­– players, parents, and field owners. So what’s the truth about safety? Artificial turf is the better choice.


There are even more benefits with artificial turf

Play can continue in any weather. Fake grass drains faster and more efficiently than natural grass – especially with Heavenly Greens’ specialized MaxxFlow system. No puddles and no mud to delay play. No ground-out spots from wet-weather play or general overuse, so no need to repeatedly replace grass.


And it’s not only your athletic fields that looks great all the time. Players report artificial turf doesn’t “mess up” their uniforms the way natural grass does. What mom wouldn’t love to say goodbye to grass and mud stains?


Upgrading to artificial turf not only benefits the environment and your budget. It simply provides an all-around better experience.

residential recreation artificial turf

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