Trees and Fake Grass – Perth Experts Explain How Both Can Work Together

Trees are a welcome addition to just about any type of property and community, offering a variety of benefits ranging from aesthetic to environmental ones. These benefits include pollution reduction, lower energy bills, improved appearance of property and community, and enhanced property values.

However, trees can sometimes be considered bothersome or a nuisance, especially if you chose the wrong species or planted these in the wrong location. Furthermore, as trees grow, their roots can break through the surface of the soil, which can be unsightly. Roots which have broken through the ground surface can also become tripping hazards that can harm your loved ones and contribute to the lackluster appearance of your lawn.

Typically, landscaping artists and lawn care pros utilise grass to serve as a cover for roots. However, this does not work well, considering that trees are living organisms—their growth can be difficult to control. When things get out of hand, some property owners take drastic measures and simply cut the tree down.

If you are keen on keeping trees on your property but you wish to avoid the aforementioned problems, one solution that you can consider using is fake grass. Perth locals ought to know that artificial turf is a viable and cost-effective solution for covering the roots of trees.

Unlike natural grass (which requires an extensive investment of time, money and effort in terms of care and maintenance), artificial turf will practically pay for itself due to the many benefits it offers.

For one, artificial turf requires minimal care and maintenance. If you choose the appropriate type of fake grass for your property (based on several considerations, including traffic), you are assured of enjoying it for several years.

Furthermore, if you use fake grass to cover tree roots, you can easily avoid the problem of bald patches, especially around the tree. It can also help in controlling the growth of weeds. Although fake grass cannot totally eliminate weeds, the materials used in making this type of grass makes it difficult for the roots of weeds to take hold on the soil.

Fake grass can also help insulate the trees, especially during the cooler months.

Finally, artificial turf does not compete with trees for the vital natural resources they need to grow and thrive. However, you should carefully choose which artificial grass to use in order to ensure that the trees get the water and nutrients they need.

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